
Showing posts from July, 2016

Error : Reporting Services Catalog Error While Sql Server Installation

Rule "Reporting Services Catalog Database File Existence" failed Rule "Reporting Services Catalog Temporary Database File Existence" failed Solution . Remove the following files from the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA" directory: ReportServer.mdf ReportServer_log.LDF ReportServerTempDB.mdf ReportServerTempDB_log.LDF. And re run setup file.

Error : Maximum request length exceeded in SSRS Report Preview

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportServer Find the web.config file for your reporting services instance, open it up, and track down the line that looks something like this executionTimeout = “9000” /> Now just add a max request length attribute in there to fix the problem, adjust your size as needed.  This is 5meg. executionTimeout = “9000” maxRequestLength=”500000″ /> And now you’ll need to restart IIS.  start->run->”iisreset”

Error : The permissions granted to user "Domain\User" are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) in SSRS

à Connect Sql Server Management Studio à Go to sql jobs à In security à In roles, go to system roles à Add new system role à Then grant the new role “Execute Report Definitions” permission Finally add the user account to the new system role, this is done in report manager under Site Settings à Security  à New Role Assignment. OR 1.Right-click on the Internet Explorer icon and select on Run as administrator . 2. Type the report manager’s URL in my case http://localhost/reports 3.The report manager window opens where you can see various icons and links. Go to site settings link in the report manager. 4. Click on Security . 5. Click on New Role Assignment and add the Domain\user and depending upon the role of the user in the organization assign them the appropriate role. You can either assign the role of System Administrator or System User both have different rights. Click Ok. 6. You will see tha...

Error : This page might not function correctly because either your browser does not support scripts or active scripting is disabled in SSRS Report Manager

1. Click Start -> Right click Internet Explorer -> Select Run as Administrator from the drop down list . 2. In Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options . In the Internet Options dialog box; select Security Tab and then click on Sites button under Local Intranet.   3. In Local Intranet dialog box; enter the Reports URL address and then click Add button to add it to the websites. Click Close to exit and return to Internet Options dialog box and finally click OK to exit the Internet Options dialog box.

Error : Failure sending mail: An error has occurred during report processing. Mail will not be resent in SSRS

To set the Credentials stored securely in the report server property for a deployed report: 1.       Open the Properties page for the report in Report Manager. 2.       Click the Data Sources link on the Properties page. 3.       Select A custom Data Source . 4.       In the Connect Using section, select Credentials stored securely in the report server . 5.       Enter the user name ( <domain\user> ) and password. Do not select either of the two options Use as Windows credentials or Impersonate the authenticated user . The Analysis Center Web Service handles authentication of the user to the Data Warehouse. 6.       Click Apply . Otherwise please update data source passwords

Error : Cannot create a connection to data source Error (rsErrorOpeningConnection) in SSRS

In SQL Server 2012 in addition to the above two options you have a third option to make this setting through SQL Server Management Studio. 1.Start Management Studio and connect to Report Server Instance. 2.Right click on the ReportServer database and Select Properties 3.Click Advanced 4.In EnableRemoteErrors, select True. 5.Click OK.

Error : The Operation Has Timed Out In SSRS Report Server

1) Set the HttpRuntime ExecutionTimeout value to a greater value (ie 3 hours) on the Report Server    a.      Open the ReportServer’s Web.config file by going to Start -> Administrative Tools ->              Internet Information Services.    b.      From there, expand Web Sites -> Default Web Site, and click on ReportServer. On the right-h             zand pane, right-click ‘Web.Config’ and select ‘Open’.    c.      Locate the HttpRuntime parameter. If it doesn’t exist, you will have to create it within the             <System.Web> section.    d.      Set the executionTimeout value to ‘10800’ (3 hours) as shown below: ...