How to Read Last(Footer Row) Row from Flat File

Sometime we have to read the last row (Footer Row) from flat file. By using Script Task to read a Header Line of flat file.

Step 1:
Open Microsoft Visual Studio and create a new SSIS project (Ctrl + Shift + N).

Step 2:

In Control Flow window, Drag and Drop a Script task.

Step 3:
I have a flat file as shown in bellow.

Step 4:
Create a two variables as VarFilePath and VarHeader.
Variable Name          Data Type                  Value
VarFilePath                 String                          C:\Users\challaba\Desktop\Newfolder\
Personal\ Flat Files\Test_File_8192015.txt
VarFooter                    String

Step 5:
Edit Scrip task.

Step 6:
In bellow window
Ready Only Variables as User::VarFilePath
Read Write Variables as User::VarFooter

Step 7:
Click on Edit Script and write a bellow Script.

// TODO: Add your code here
            String FilFullPath = "";
            String FooterRow = "";

 FilFullPath = Dts.Variables["User::VarFilePath"].Value.ToString();
 string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(FilFullPath);
 FooterRow = lines[lines.Length - 1].ToString();
 Dts.Variables["User::VarFooter"].Value = FooterRow;
 MessageBox.Show("LastRow: " + Dts.Variables["User::VarFooter"].Value.ToString());
 Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;

Step 8:
Right click on Script Task and execute it.

Step 9:
Bellow window shows a header line of the flat file.


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