The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'Procedure Name', database ‘Database name’, schema 'Schema name'
This issue can be resolved by adding a Grant permission to the end of the new stored procedure
However, in real life scenario, where manual intervention is the cause of multiple errors; sometimes developers tend to miss out on this piece of code or most of the time they are not aware of it. The stored procedure executes perfectly well in a development environment (the developer has owner rights on the schema) but fails in QA or Production environment. Most of the time, this error is not realized until a major job fails, due to the absence of executor rights.
However, in real life scenario, where manual intervention is the cause of multiple errors; sometimes developers tend to miss out on this piece of code or most of the time they are not aware of it. The stored procedure executes perfectly well in a development environment (the developer has owner rights on the schema) but fails in QA or Production environment. Most of the time, this error is not realized until a major job fails, due to the absence of executor rights.
declare @spname varchar(100)
declare @schemaname
declare @sql varchar(max)
Declare findSP Cursor
FROM sys.objects
INNER JOIN sys.schemas ON sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id
WHERE type='P'
Open findSP
Fetch Next from findSP into @spname,@schemaname
set @sql = 'GRANT EXECUTE ON ['+@schemaname+'].['+@spname+'] TO [sp_executor]'
exec (@sql)
fetch Next from findSP into @spname,@schemaname
Close findSP
Deallocate findSP
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