SSIS data types VS SQL Server data types

Many times we are in need of cross-references between SQL Server data types and the data types available with SQL Server Integration Services.

SSIS Data TypeSSIS ExpressionSQL Server
single-byte signed integer(DT_I1)
two-byte signed integer(DT_I2)smallint
four-byte signed integer(DT_I4)int
four-byte signed integer(DT_I4)int
eight-byte signed integer(DT_I8)bigint
eight-byte signed integer(DT_I8)bigint
double-precision float(DT_R8)float
string(DT_STR, «length», «code_page»)char, varchar
Unicode text stream(DT_WSTR, «length»)nchar, nvarchar, sql_variant, xml
numeric(DT_NUMERIC, «precision», «scale»)decimal, numeric
decimal(DT_DECIMAL, «scale»)decimal
currency(DT_CY)smallmoney, money
unique identifier(DT_GUID)uniqueidentifier
byte stream(DT_BYTES, «length»)binary, varbinary, timestamp
database date(DT_DBDATE)date
database time(DT_DBTIME)
database time with precision(DT_DBTIME2, «scale»)time(p)
database timestamp(DT_DBTIMESTAMP)datetime, smalldatetime
database timestamp with precision(DT_DBTIMESTAMP2, «scale»)datetime2
database timestamp with timezone(DT_DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET, «scale»)datetimeoffset(p)
file timestamp(DT_FILETIME)
text stream(DT_TEXT, «code_page»)text
Unicode string(DT_NTEXT)ntext



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