SQL Course, SQL Intermediate 3-Day Course, Webinar virtual classroom
MS SQL Server Course, SQL Intermediate 3-Day
Courses are online, Instructor-led, Practical, Interactive.
With MS SQL Server , one can with the use of queries, easily and quickly retrieve valuable information, trends, summaries, statistics and insights from your company data. This course is ideal for candidate who would like to gain a beyond basic understanding of a SQL database and MS SQL Server commands.
Course Duration: 3 consecutive days, the first of which displays as the booking date.
Beginners: Attend all 3 days: day 1,2,3
Intermediate: If you know all about where clauses, joins and aggregate, then day 2 and 3 are for you. Select the ticket at checkout.
System requirements: You need to have you SQL Server database , query interface and sample data ready before the course starts.
SQL Course Description
Session 1: Database Concepts Revision of database basics. What is a database? Tables, rows and columns, Indexes, primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys. Data types.
Session 2: Using the SQL client SQL Getting started and Logging in, Selecting a database, Client commands, Entering and executing SQL statements
Session 3: Basic SQL SELECT statement The SQL SELECT statement, Case sensitivity, Quotes, Statement terminator, Syntax conventions, The select clause, The FROM clause, Conditions and the WHERE clause, Boolean operators (AND and OR) and SQL conditional operators (=,!=,>,<,IN, and BETWEEN).The ORDER BY clause, Column aliases, Arithmetic expressions, Null functions (“IS NULL,” “IS NOT NULL,” , "Isnull",“Coalesce”), Precedence of operators
Session 4:
- Aggregate (Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, Count), Group By, Rollup with Group By, Having.
Session 5:Joins:
- SQL Cartesian products,
- SQL Joins (Inner join, Left join, Right join, Full join) Table aliases,
- Natural joins, Join using, Join on,
- Multi-table joins,
- Union, Union All, Except, Intersect
Day 2
Sub- Queries
- SQL Subqueries,
- Basic Subqueries,
- Nested Subqueries,
- CTE Tables
Session 6:
- SQL Numeric Functions (ABS, SIGN, MOD, etc.)
- SQL Built-In String Functions (Locate, Left, Right, Concat, etc),
- SQL Built-in DATE and TIME functions
Session 7:
- SQL Views (Create, alter and drop)
- Stored Procedures with Input and Output parameters
- Custom Functions, Table and Scalar
Day 3
Session 8:
- Creating Databases and Tables,
- Add constrains to columns,
- Primary, foreign keys
- Auto-increment, sequences.
Session 9: SQL Indexes
Session 10: Managing Data
- Inserting rows,
- Updating rows,
- Deleting rows, The truncate statement,
- The COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands, Save points, Implicit commits
Session 11: SQL Server Access Control Creating users, Renaming users, Dropping users, Granting privileges, Revoking privileges
Session 12: Import data into SQL and Export from SQL
Fee: £750
Register: SQL Course, SQL Intermediate 3-Day Course, Webinar virtual classroom
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