Logical functions - LEAST

This function returns the minimum value from a list of one or more expressions.

Syntax:  LEAST ( expression1 [ , ...expressionN ] )

Returns the data type with the highest precedence from the set of types passed to the function.

Example 1:

SELECT LEAST('6.62', 3.1415, N'7')AS LeastVal;


Above query will returns least value as 3.145

Example 2:

SELECT LEAST('Glacier', N'Joshua Tree', 'Mount Rainier') AS LeastString;


Above example returns the minimum value from the list of character constants that is provided.


All expressions in the list of arguments must be of a data type that is comparable and that can be implicitly converted to the data type of the argument with the highest precedence.

Implicit conversion of all arguments to the highest precedence data type takes place before comparison.

If implicit type conversion between the arguments isn't supported, the function will fail and return an error.


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