Introduction to SQL for Data Science April 9, 2021

About this Event

You can join the workshop with Zoom meeting link:


Schedule: (Please make sure to leave time before the start of the workshop for registration)

6:00 - 6:30 - Open registration

6:30 - 8:00 - Workshop

8:00 - 8:30 - Q & A


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standardized programming language designed for data storage and management. It allows one to create, parse, and manipulate data quickly and easily.

With the AI-hype of recent years, technology companies serving all kinds of industries have been forced to become more data driven. When a company that serves thousands of customers is data driven, they’ll need a way to store and frequently access data on the order of millions or even billions of data points.

That’s where SQL comes in.

From a job market perspective, SQL is among the top 3 hard skills required for job roles like data scientists, data engineers, and data analysts. If you want to get into the data analytics space, you will want to master the SQL skills!



Ø Intro to data science in Canada

Ø Why does data science job become so population?

Ø Key skills you need for data analysis related job?

Ø Why is SQL one of the most important skills for data analysis related job?

Ø Key features of our SQL training.

Ø What you will learn from the SQL training


Who is this event for?

Ø Students who want to learn SQL for data science

Ø Excel users who want to learn database concepts and SQL queries

Ø Business users who want to become more competent with data querying

Ø Data science job seekers who want to learn different SQL use cases


Date and Time

4:00 AM – 6:00 AM IST



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