Power Break 2021-05-17

Creating professional printouts from your Power BI reports

Power BI is a world-class BI and data analytics tool with stunning interactive data visualization features, but in many business use cases companies need to produce multi-page printouts from their Power BI reports on paper and/or send them in PDF/Excel format to their customers. Power BI Paginated Reports based on the matured and well-known SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) technologies can be created from existing Power BI datasets using the Power BI Report Builder tool and can be published to Power BI Service. The recently released PPU (Premium Per User) license and Power BI Embedded Gen2 will also help to have an increasing number of paginated reports in the Power BI ecosystem. Therefore, in this session, we will present several tips & tricks how to create paginated reports using existing Power BI datasets available in the Power BI Service and also from your Power BI Desktop, how to reproduce the different Power BI visuals in a paginated report, how to create analytical lines in a paginated report, how to handle parameters, especially multi-value parameters in DAX queries, how to enable for the end-users to select which Power BI report pages should be included in the final printout, how to create printouts with portrait and landscape pages, etc.


Registration :  power-break-2021-05-17


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