Script to Delete All SQL Agent Jobs Except Few
DECLARE @SQLStatement VARCHAR ( 200 ) DECLARE @jobName SYSNAME DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM msdb . dbo . sysjobs_view WHERE name not in ( 'syspolicy_purge_history' , 'Agent history clean up: distribution' , 'Distribution clean up: distribution' , 'Expired subscription clean up' , 'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-2' --Change the job name as per your environment , 'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-Adven_Pub-2' --Change the job name as per your environment , 'INDSBLRHT0VR72-AdventureWorks2017-Adven_Pub-INDSBLRHT0VR72-5' --Change the job name as per your environment , 'Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures' , 'Replication agents checkup' , 'Replication monitoring refresher for distribution' ) OPEN c1 FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @jobName IF @@CURSOR_ROWS = 0 PRINT 'No Job found! Please re-c...