Load data to excel template using SSIS

Step 1:

My excel template looks like bellow and want to load into this template 

Step 2:

My input data like bellow

Step 3:

Drag and drop data flow task to control flow tab

Step 4:

Edit data flow task and drag & drop OLEDB source as shown in bellow

Edit source

Provide server and data base name

Select data access mode as SQL command and provide SQL query

Click on preview data

Step 5:

Drag and drop excel destination

Click on new connection manager

Browse template from system

And select sheet name from excel sheets

Map source with destination columns 

Step 6:

Some columns having data conversion issue as shown in bellow

Drag and drop data conversion transformation

Change data type of Region column as shown in bellow

And map with new region column

Step 7:

Execute task

After execution i got task validation issue as shown in bellow

Rectifying task validation error, have change ValidateExtrnalMetadata of destination to False

Execute again

Data was loaded to my report template as shown in bellow


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