Conditional Split Transformation

Many situations where we need to split data based on some conditions, like we mostly do in switch case statements or if else conditions in other programming languages and for doing the same we have Conditional Split task in SSIS. Whenever you need to split the data coming from a source into many output paths based on some condition then CONDITIONAL SPLIT is the best bet.
Step 1:
Click Windows button and go to SQL Server 2008 R2 and run as an administrator.

It shows a bellow window.

Step 2:
Go to a views and create a new project (Short cut of New Project is Ctrl + Shift + N).

Step 3:
Give a project name (e.g. IS) and click OK button and then shows a bellow window.

Step 4:
To drag and drop the Data Flow Task

Step 5: 

To edit the Data Flow Task then it open a Data Flow

Step 6:
To dag and drop the OLE DB source and edit it.

Step 7:

To take OLE DB connection and select the table from given data base and select which columns are required.

Step 8:
Take a conditional split and edit it.

Step 9:
Write a condition
Marriage         [Marritalstatus] ==”M”?  [Gender]==”M”: Gender==”F”
Single              [Marritalstatus] ==”S” && Gender==”F”

Step 10:
I selected Married as Input to First OLE DB
destination and Single as input to the second destination file.

Step 11:
Edit OLE DB destinations and select which column you want.

Step 12:
Add a data viewer and view the result report.

Step 13:
Execute the task.


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