Look Up Transformation

The Lookup transformation performs lookup by joining data in input columns with columns in a reference dataset. You use the lookup to access additional information in a related table that is based on values in common columns.
Step 1:

Click Windows button and go to SQL Server 2008 R2 and run as a administrator.

It shows a bellow window.

Step 2:
Go to a views and create a new project (Short cut of New Project is Ctrl + Shift + N).

Step 3:
Give a project name (e.g. IS) and click OK button and then shows a bellow window.

Step 4:
To drag and drop the Data Flow Task and edit it.

Step 5: 
To edit the Data Flow Task then it open a Data Flow tab.

Stem 6:
Drag and drop OLE DB source and select table as Person. Address.

Step 7:
Drag and drop look up transformation and table as Person. Address. And map the City column.

Step 8:
I selected Matching Outputs as Input to First Data reader destination and No matching Outputs as input to the second destination file.

Step 9:
Edit data reader destination and select available input column as a LookUp.City

Step 10:
Execute the task.


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