Intro to DAX - Hosted by BlueGranite

Date: June 17, 2021  |  Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET

For anyone using Power BI, it’s necessary to learn at least some DAX (Data Analysis Expressions). DAX is both the query language of Power BI as well as the language used to extend the data model.

In this webinar, we’ll give you an introduction into DAX from the ground up.  We’ll talk about what DAX is, why you need it, and what it can do. We’ll cover topics such as Evaluation Context, CALCULATE, Time Intelligence, and others. And like our monthly Power BI Office Hours sessions, we’ll leave time for your specific questions and use cases.

Upon completion of this workshop attendees will:

  • DAX Introduction and Basic Syntax

  • Calculated Tables, Columns, and Measures

  • Evaluation Context


  • Time Intelligence

This session is intended for Power BI and Excel users who are novices or beginners with DAX. The goal is to give users a basic understanding of DAX.

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