Merge Join Transformation

Merge Join Transformation is one of the useful tools in SSIS to join two sources. The Merge Join transformation provides an output that is generated by joining two sorted datasets using a FULL, LEFT, or INNER join. Let us see how it works.
You can configure the Merge Join transformation in the following ways:
 Specify the join as FULL, LEFT, or INNER join.
 Specify the columns the join uses.
 Specify whether the transformation handles null values as equal to other nulls.
Step 1:
Click Windows button and go to SQL Server 2008 R2 and run as a administrator.

It shows  a bellow window.

Step 2:

Go to a views and create a new project ( Short cut of New Project is Ctrl + Shift + N).

Step 3:

Give a project name (e.g. IS) and click OK button and then shows a bellow window.

Step 4:
To drag and drop the Data Flow Task

Step 5: 

To edit the Data Flow Task then it open a Data Flow

Step 6:
Drag and drop three flat file source and edit it.

Step 7:
Browse flat file source in your pc

Step 8:
Drag and drop two sort transformation and edit it

Step 9:
Select a sorting input column

Step 10:
Drag and drop Merge Join Transformation and give connections from sorting inputs

Step 11:
Again drag and drop two sort transformations and edit it

Step 12:
Drag and drop merge transformation and edit it

Step 13:
Select sorting column

Step 14:
Add data viewer to view results on running time

Step 15:
Execute task


  1. slides are very useful for easy understanding of transformations ....


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